New Year New Life (and blowjob tips)

Hey kids! Domina here. It's been just about two weeks since another fantastic #LivingSexy event and I wanted to put up a quick post to let you all know I am thinking about you and still reveling in the sensual memory of it all. It was my fifth NYE with and my 7th??? event with them...and honestly, I think it was the sexiest event yet. The couples that attend are so open, flirty, sexy and funfunfun! I loved meeting everyone at our two seminars, discussing the ABCs of BDSM and the best tips for oral. Class participation is one of my favorite parts of teaching and trust me when I say this class really participates! It's one of the few places I teach a class about 'blowjobs' where men and women share the space. It makes for some very interesting dynamics for sure. When I brought this up a male attendee was compelled to ask, "What would you say to the women if we were not present." Good question. I took a few steps back, but my head down, rested my hand on my chin then it came to me in a flash (there's a lot of good info up there folks) and I said, "I would tell them to make sure your man knows you WANT to do what you're doing."

We all know (I hope) the discrimination and sexual shaming that women experience from a very young age. But men are fed similar lies, often around the shaming women receive, and the result is a verty unsatisfying mixed bag of bullshit that prevents pleasure and stymies connection. So therefore, yea, a lot of men are taught women don't like to give oral. And if you're a women who is already nervous about pleasing your male partner, trying to please someone who thinks you're not enjoying it makes it hard to give, because he's not able to receive. So yea, ladies, grab that cock like you mean it and let him have it lol

Wow, this quick up date has turned into another lesson on blowjobs, but that's always the most popular class because why? well, among other things - basics, basics, basics. fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals. In life, in art and definitely in love.

Speaking of love, if you follow me at then you know that slavee paid Mistress a surprise visit this week, appearing out of the darkness like some mysterious dream figure. But it was him, not a ghost. MIA since exiting rehab a week prior and still, thank the Goddesses, stone sober. Living with a loved one who lives with addiction or mental health struggles is a part of my GD daily life. It is my ownership of him that gives me the courage and strength we need everyday to push through, and the faith and hope to believe that healing is possible and we WILL make it together. Between that dream and reality lies a minefield of bureaucratic and family bullshit. But I'm a warrior goddess and I fight for love, my love, my slave. I know he wears my collar and technically I own him but my love and my energy belong to him and his needs because he's just that god damn special. If you ever meet him, you'll know what I mean the moment you see us standing next to one another, because I've heard it so many times from casual observers. What we share is special and has been in the works for nearly a decade. It is the real thing, #kinkylove. Without that "kink" part we would have no "love". I don't know how vanilla families living with similar struggles do it, I just know that I'm grateful I love him the way I do so I have the dedication necessary to draw the boundaries he needs, enforce them as best we can and continue the up hill battle to find proper medical care in a system that is overwhelming, inadequate and expensive. If you know someone who lives with the disease of addiction or is a survivor you are the reason I speak out. Because so often the families suffer right along with the loved one, but all resources are dedicated to the one in recovery. Often I feel forgotten by the available healthcare even though I'm the person closest to him. So if you're in a similar position, I don't want you to feel forgotten. I want you to know I'm there with you, battling and building one day at a time for a better future for our loved ones and our families. 

Shit, another layer revealed. I've hinted before about our lives, but really 2017 is about getting real. I'm done hiding. If you love, love all. There is no other way. 

And book. yes BOOK. it's happening. the proposal, the drafts, the read through with amazing friends. I can't WAIT to launch this chapter in our lives. I love you all. Goddess I do! thank you for all the support and memories we've shared over the years. Mistress looks forward to many more. Hugs.